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MIV 21043   
 Simon H.-R., 1996: Globale Artenzahlen: Beispiel phytophage Insekten. 8 pp. Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins 21(1-2): 43-50.
  50  2
EZS 111243   
 Simon H.-R., 2001: Wie viele Arten der rezenten Insekten kennen wir Ein Basisproblem der Biodiversitätsforschung. 10 pp. Entomologische Zeitschrift 111(8): 243-252.
  95  4
BML 11149   
 Simon J. E., 2000: Composicao da avifauna da Estacao Biológica de Santa Lúcia, Santa Teresa – Espírito Santo. 22 pp. [80156] Boletim do Museu de Biologia ‘Mello Leitao’ (N.S.) 11-12: 149-170.
  150  6
BML 18059   
 Simon J. E., Lima S. R., Dressendorfer de Novaes T., Alves A., 2005: Primeiro registro de Podicephorus major (Boddaert, 1783) (Aves: Podicipedidae) para o estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. [First record of Podicephorus major for the state of Espírito Santo, Brasil.] 5 pp. Boletim do Museu de Biologia ‘Mello Leitao’ (N.S.) 18: 59-63.
  50  2
BML 29017   
 Simon J. E., Peres J., 2012: Revisao da distribuciao geografica de Phylloodytes kautskyi Peixoto a Cruz, 1988 (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae). Review of the geographic distribution of Phyllodytes kautskyi Peixoto and Cruz, 1988 (Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae). 14 pp. (in Portuguese). Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitao, (N. S.) 29: 17-30.
  95  4
SBB 34235   
 Simon W., Dahmer G., 1954: Zygobolba corbis (Ostrac.), Leitmarke für den Beginn des Mittel-Devons im Oberharz. 11 pp. [EVE 961] Seckenbergiana 34(4-6): 235-245.
  50  2
BML 28005   
 Simonelli M., Magnago L. F. S., Martins S. V., Matos F. A. R., Demuner V. G., 2010: Composicao de especies arbóreas em tres estádios successionais de floresta ciliar na Lagoa Jacunem, Espírito Santo, Brasil. Tree species composition in three successional stages of a riparian forest a Jacunem Lake, Espírito Santo, Brazil. 15 pp. (in Portuguese). Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitao (N. S.) 28: 5-19.
  95  4
FGE 26363   
 Simonetta J., Teocchi, 1995: Contribution a la connaissance des lamiaires de la Somalie. 47 pp. [15186] Fragmenta entomologica 26(2): 363-409.
  495  20
LEP 6835   
 Simonsen T. J., Kristensen N. P., 2003: Scale length/wing length correlation in Lepidoptera (Insecta). 7 pp. 
  50  2
FEH 51137   
 Simonyi S., 1990: Adatok az Alpár-tiszakécskei magaspart vidéke nagylepkefauájának ismeretéhez. 12 pp. [LEP 3260] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 51: 137-148.
  50  2
FEH 57271   
 Simonyi S., 1996: A new species of the genus Rusina Stephens, 1829 from Turkey (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). 5 pp. [LEP 3261] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 57: 271-275.
  50  2
FEH 53225   
 Simonyi S., és Szécsényi L., 1992: Adatok Erdély magashegységi nagylepke-faunájának ismeretéhez (Erdélyi gyűjtőutak nagylepkeanyagának feldolgozása) (Lepidoptera). 6 pp. [LEP 3262] Folia Entomologica Hungarica (S.N.) 53: 225-230.
  50  2
DIP 7417   
 Simova-Tošic D., 1971: Dryomyia circinans Giraud (Diptera, Cecidomyidae) musica galica hrasta. 6 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 3223   
 Simova-Tošic D., 1973: Contribution to the Study of crane flies (Tipulide, Diptera) in Yugoslavia. 5 pp. 
  50  2
AZC 35139   
 Simova-Tošic D., 1992: Contribution to the study of Limoniidae in Yugoslavia. 8 pp. [DIP 3225] Acta zoologica cracoviensia 35(1): 139-146.
  50  2
DIP 3228   
 Simova-Tošic D., Vukovic M., 1980: Proučavanja vrsta roda Aphidoletes Kieffer (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae). 5 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 3229   
 Simova-Tošic D., Vukovic M., 1983: Značaj muškog genitalnog aparata za determinaciju vrsta familije Tipulidae (Diptera). 6 pp. [M40] 
  50  2
ASZ 59121   
 Simova-Tošič D., Skuhravá M., 1995: The occurence and biology of Dasineura gleditchiae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Serbia. 6 pp. Acta Societatis Zoologicae Bohemiae 59(1-2): 121-126.
  50  2
HYM 5719   
 Simpson J., 1957: Observations on colonies of honey-bees subjected to treatments designed to induce swarming. 8 pp. 
  50  2
 Simpson J., 1958: The factors which cause colonies of Apis mellifera to swarm. 19 pp. 
  150  6
HYM 7013   
 Simpson J., 1963: Queen perception by honey bee swarms. 3 pp. 
  50  2
DIP 5962   
 Simpson S. J., Barton Browne L., Gerwen A. C. M., 1989: The patterning of compensatory sugar feeding in the Australian sheep blowfly. 15 pp. 
  50  2
 Simroth , 1905: Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie des Lebens. 19 pp. (in German). 
  150  6
 Simroth H., 1902: Ueber die wahre Bedeutung der Erde in der Biologie. 36 pp. (in German). 
  295  12
 Simroth H., 1905: Bemerkungen zu einer Theorie des Lebens. 19 pp. (in German). Deutsch. Zool. Gesellschaft: 214-232.
  95  4
JRS 05151   
 Simsek F. M., 2003: Seasonal population dynamics and breeding habitat diversity of Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758 (Diptera: Culicidae) in Gölbasi District, Ankara, Turkey. 12 pp. [DIP 4895] (in English). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 5(1): 51-62.
  50  2
JRS 051051   
 Simsek F. M., 2003: Seasonal population dynamics and breeding habitat diversity of Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758 (Diptera: Culicidae) in Gölbasi District, Ankara, Turkey. 12 pp. [DIP 4895] (in English). Journal of the Entomological Research Society 5(1): 51-62.
  50  2
 Sinada N. A., Blocker H. D., 1994: Revision of the New World genus Polyamia (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). 24 pp. 
  195  8
SYS 17233   
 Sinclair B. J., 1992: A phylogenetic interpretation of the Brachycera (Diptera) based on the larval mandible and associated mouthpart structures. 20 pp. Systematic Entomology 17(3): 233-252.
  150  6
RAM 55001   
 Sinclair B. J., 2003: Taxonomy, phylogeny and zoogeography of the subfamily Ceratomerinae of Australia (Diptera: Empidoidea). 44 pp. [62601] Records of the Australian Museum 55(1): 1-44.
  395  16
RAM 60001   
 Sinclair B. J., 2008: New species of Austrothaumalea Tonnoir from Australia (Diptera: Thaumaleidae). 12 pp. Records of the Australian Museum 60(1): 1-12.
  50  2
BZB 57085   
 Sinclair B. J., 2010: Proclinopyga ulrichi sp. nov.: the first fossil aquatic dance fly of the subfamily Clinocerinae (Diptera: Empididae). 5 pp. Bonn zoological Bulletin 57(1): 85-89.
  50  2
 Sinclair B. J., Cumming J. M., 2000: Revision of the genus Apterodromia (Diptera: Empidoidea), with a redefinition of the tribe Ocydromiini. 26 pp. 
  250  10
DIP 6793   
 Sinclair B. J., Papp L., 2004: The rediscovery of Nemedina alamirabilis Chandler from Hungary (Diptera: Empidoidea), and first description of the male. 4 pp. Bonner zoologische Beiträge (2003) 52(1-2): 155-158.
  50  2
ESC 04507   
 Sinclair B. J., Saigusa T., 2001: Revision of the world species of Ragas Walker (Diptera: Empidoidea). 16 pp. [61243] Entomological Science 4(4): 507-522.
  150  6
BZB 53193   
 Sinclair B. J., Saigusa T., 2005: Revision of the Trichoclinocera dasyscutellum group from East Asia (Diptera: Empididae: Clinocerinae). 17 pp. Bonner zoologische Beiträge 53(2004)(1-2): 193-209.
  150  6
BZB 62092   
 Sinclair B., Hoffeins C., 2013: New fossil species of Ragas Walker (Diptera: Empididae) in Baltic amber (Tertiary, Eocene). 8 pp. Bonn zoological Bulletin 62(1): 92-99.
  50  2
ASN 237   
 Sinclair W., Ewning A. W., 1963: Record of some fleas (Siphonaptera) from the North Troms district of Norway. 7 pp. 
  50  2
BMT 13117   
 Sindaco R., 1995: Addition to the gerpetofauna of Libya: Scincopus fasciatus fasciatus (Peters, 1864) (Reptilia: Scincidae). 6 pp. (in English). Bolletino del Museo regionale di Scienze Naturali – Torino 13(1): 117-122.
  50  2
REP 98   
 Sindaco R., 1995: Addition to the herpetofauna of Libya: Scincopus fasciatus fasciatus (Peters, 1864) (Reptilia: Scincidae). 6 pp. 
  50  2
RPC 22251   
 Sindaco R., 2001: Anfibi e rettili del Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso. 9 pp. [REP 32] Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale 22: 251-259.
  50  2
RPC 27443   
 Sindaco R., 2006: Segnalazioni faunistiche piemontesi e valdostane (Amphibia, Reptilia, Mammalia). 17 pp. (in Italian). Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale 27: 443-459.
  95  4
RPC 23195   
 Sindaco R., Biggi E., Boano G., Delmastro G. B., 2002: Novitates Herpetologicae Pedemontanae I. (Amphibia, Reptilia). 12 pp. Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale 23: 195-206.
  95  4
RPC 31397   
 Sindaco R., Carpegna P., 2010: Segnalazioni Faunistiche Piemontesi. III. Dati preliminari sulla distribuzione dei Mustelidi del Piemonte (Mammalia, Carnivora, Mustelidae). Faunistic records in Piedmont and Aosta Valley (NW Italy), III. Preliminary distribution data on mustelids in Piedmont (Mammalia, Carnivora, Mustelidae). 26 pp. Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale 31: 397-422.
  150  6
RPC 30209   
 Sindaco R., Seglie D. (eds.), 2009: Segnalazioni faunistiche piemontesi e valdostane, II. (Amphibia, Reptilia, Mammalia). Faunistic records in Piedmont and Aosta Valley (NW Italy), II. 16 pp. Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale 30: 209-224.
  95  4
DIP 4896   
 Sinelščikov V. A., 1962: O slepnjach srednego tečenija reki Irtuša. 13 pp. 
  50  2
IMO 05615   
 Sinev S. Yu., 1977: Uzkoakrylye moli (Lepidoptera, Momphidae) iz Mongolskoj narodnoj respubliki. 2 pp. [LEP 3263] Nasekomye Mongolii 5: 615-616.
  50  2
LEP 3264   
 Sinev S. Yu., 1979: Novyj vid češuekrylych roda Calycobathra Meyrick, 1891 (Lepidoptera, Momphidae, Walshiinae) iz pustyn Srednej Azii. 4 pp. 
  50  2
IMO 07378   
 Sinev S. Yu., 1980: K faune uzkokrylych molej (Lepidoptera, Momphidae) Mongolii. 8 pp. [LEP 3265] Nasekomye Mongolii 7: 378-385.
  50  2
LEP 5455   
 Sinev S. Yu., 1981: On the composition and systematic position of the genus Trachydora Meyr. (Lepidoptera, Momphidae). 7 pp. (in Russian). Entomologitsheskoe obozrenie 60(4): 872-878.
  50  2

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